What is the Purpose and Goal of A A. Alcoholics Anonymous

what is an aa meeting

NEW YORK – Juan Soto appears on a timetable to decide on where to sign either before or during baseball’s winter meetings in Dallas, which run from Dec. 8-12. NEW YORK (AP) — Juan Soto appears on a timetable to decide on where to sign either before or during baseball’s winter meetings in Dallas, which run from Dec. 8-12. Sobriety is about dealing with life without having to use a substance like alcohol to help you cope. You do not need to be unable to attend an in-person meeting to participate in an online AA meeting. During mingling, people can get to know other members and exchange phone numbers with those who can provide support when it’s most needed.

Disease model

  1. Speaker’s meetings feature a person chosen to talk about their experience, strength, and hope in regard to their recovery.
  2. Just as in the movies, everyone responds with, “Hello (first name)!” After they complete their “story” everyone in the room thanks them.
  3. These same formats may be applied to group meetings on the Big Book or the Twelve Traditions.
  4. We attempt — most of us successfully — to create a satisfying way of life without alcohol.
  5. Part of why many individuals find AA useful is the community of individuals who have shared or similar experiences to theirs.

We have learned that we must live without it to live normal, happy lives.

Juan Soto could decide on his next team before or during baseball’s winter meetings

The chair usually opens the meeting with the A.A. Some call for a moment of silence and/or recite the Serenity Prayer. The chair will often ask if there are any people new to A.A. Attending the meeting who would like to introduce themselves. It isn’t mandatory to identify yourself but it might be helpful if you are attending your first meeting. Many meetings begin with a reading from the Big Book — frequently a portion of can drug dogs sniff out nicotine Chapter 5 (“How It Works”) or Chapter 3 (“More About Alcoholism”).

Reasons to Go to Alcoholics Anonymous

what is an aa meeting

Says she waited for many meetings before making the decision to introduce herself as an alcoholic and to accept her first chip. If you aren’t sure if you are an alcoholic, find an “open” meeting to attend in your area. Many non-alcoholics may attend these and no one assumes because you are there that you are alcoholic. In some meetings, people are randomly called on, the thinking is, that it prevents the same people from constantly sharing, overriding the more shy, quieter people. In other meetings, at the end of the prayer, everyone may say a popular AA slogan, such as, “meeting makers make it.” Different meetings have different ways of doing things but, for the most part, they are run in a similar manner.

Each person who attends AA is unique, but they share a common goal of wanting to address their problem with drinking. Some might be sober; some might be struggling. Some may want to mentor others, while others want to observe and participate less. The Serenity Prayer is commonly used in AA meetings as a tool for reflection and guidance. It was called the AA prayer in the 1940s.73 Often recited at meetings, it emphasizes the concepts of acceptance, courage, and wisdom, which align with the principles of the AA program. The prayer encourages individuals to accept things they cannot change, to find the courage to make changes where possible, and to seek the wisdom to distinguish between the two.

There are no dues or fees, so it doesn’t cost anything to try it out. Meetings aren’t based on a specific religion, they do include spiritual aspects. For some, these aspects of the program can be a stumbling block. Often, the next step is to read a passage from the Big Book and reinforcement about the importance of member privacy and anonymity. Meetings typically close with a prayer, moment of silence, recitation of the Responsibility Statement, or by reading a section of another A.A. Membership is a desire to stop drinking.

By helping others to recover we stay sober ourselves. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Membership, as the organization supports itself through community contributions. Closed meetings are only for those who identify as alcoholics. If you’re on a court card or attending to placate a family member but you aren’t sure whether you are alcoholic you shouldn’t attend a closed meeting. It’s common at closed meetings for everybody to introduce themselves in turn, and identify as an alcoholic in turn.